The Ferguson's home! |
It's that time of year again where we give thanks for everything that we are thankful for. For me it's a pretty easy exercise as I wake up thankful that I woke up and it's simply downhill from there! The list could go on from family and friends however those that know me understand their importance so there is no need to restate the obvious. The reality is that I have been waiting to get my tractor home and check out all the fine work that Dick has done in the last 6 weeks. Knowing there is little time to organize my plow, disc, and brush hawg, the timing was perfect. Picking her up last Friday night, Saturday was the day to try everything out. Dick did a great job with the repair as everything works great. Wanting to move my plow and disc to the back of my property for the winter I hooked up the 2 bottom Moldboard plow and decided to try it out. Having never plowed before it was pretty interesting as I successfully turned over about 2000 square feet of sandy soil and it was pretty cool. After putting the plow away next was the disc. Unfortunately I soon discovered that one of the flanges on the rear right spool bearing had broken off and it didn't work very well. Unable to locate one on the Internet I will have our machinist we use at work to come up with a solution. Next was the brush hawg with the intent on chopping the remaining sweet corn stalks in the garden. After backing it into position I shifted the PTO control to start the shaft turning and a huge bang followed by a large metal piece flying out the side. Here I had left a huge 1 1/2 inch box wrench on one of the nuts and it flew off not before the blades cut the 12 point box end in half. That's nothing to sneeze at as it simply chewed up this large wrench. It did do a great job on the stalks before she was put to rest under a new addition to my pole shed, especially made for it. Next I attached the blade and spent some time repairing my pole shed driveway for the winter. Having ordered a new Tractormeter (tachometer) and cable which connects the back of the special alternator to the tractormeter, that was hook up and although it's measures alittle faster RPM then the engine is really running, I finally have all the gauges working. I did post a picture on a Ferguson forum and one of the guys commented that looking at the droop on the front bumper, the pivot pin and bushing was shot.........really? After checking it out, he was right and I have another new project for the winter. As you can read, its a blast owning Gramps old tractor and Dick assured me it had plenty of power and I could look forward to years of enjoyment.
Paul's nice 8 pointer |
So this weekend was the Wisconsin deer opener. People are crazy about deer hunting in Minnesota yet it doesn't hold a candle to back home where everyone participates. So I will start out with my good friend, Paul Wenaas. As stated in previous posts, I worked for Paul's dad Victor while growing up in Eleva. When Paul became old enough to work, he and I switched off on weekends giving each other a break from changing tires and oil. Paul and a number of guys own some prime hunting land north of Strum, WI and is next to another friend, Gary Hageness. Paul bagged this nice 8 point buck within 15 minutes of the first morning. They took 4 nice bucks of the property within the first hour. Back home Trempealeau and Buffalo Counties consistently rate in the top areas of the country for trophy whitetail deer. It nice to see Paul get this buck, I am sure that it a good distraction to the sad events of the last couple of weeks for him and his family. The next picture is an absolute whopper! Don and Dwight Jordan are brothers who live in Hudson WI, both help farm land near Ridgeland WI, south of Barron. I met Dwight years ago through my cousin Greg, we went deer hunting in
Don Jordan's trophy |
Minnesota together. As well, his brother Don is friends with my brother-in-law Walt, who also live in Hudson. Dwight helped me get hooked up with Dick, my tractor guy, as we have been talking lately including the story of the big buck on their farm. Saying it was one of the biggest racks he has seen, on Saturday morning his brother Don dropped him in it's tracks. Having 13 points the inside spread measured 24.75 inches, it looks dang near like a mule deer. Dwight stated that they took it into the processor who quickly skinned and caped the deer telling them he wasn't interested in being responsible for the safety of the the huge trophy. It went to the taxidermist immediately. I am anxious to see what this deer will score once it's fully dry. Unfortunately these trophies seem distant in my world of deer hunting yet maybe some day the moon and stars will be aligned. Hope can be described as the act of "looking forward to something with desire and reasonable confidence", I'll keep my fingers crossed.
It's 62 degrees out today, not very conducive for making ice. Reports show a major cool down for next week, just in time for the Ice Fishing Show at the Excel Center in St. Paul starting November 30. I did get my Clam put together and it's pretty sweet yet there are nuances that still drive me crazy. I head for New Orleans on the 27th for a 3 day conference with The Transformer Association where I serve as it's president. We tried to get a Saturday fishing trip out of Venice, Louisiana however my schedule does not allow for any free time. On Sunday, December 2 I fly to Hong Kong with meetings in Guangdong Province. My postings will be tight as it could be difficult to find the time, maybe on the airplane as the flight over is 25 hours and the flight back is 20 hours. That's a long time in a plane! Sitting in my tree stand for 2 days was great practice. Don't eat too much turkey now.
Hey Dave, I've got about 8 acres of unplowed field you can come up and turn over once you get good at being a farmer.
Heck, why don't you just come and get the tractor, although it would be a good opportunity to check out your paradise! After Thursday I am sure you have some decent snow. Ice fishing, here we come.
Yeah, we got about a foot.
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