George with a nice walleye |
So while the boat was still wet from Lac Seul, I had the chance to fish with a couple of my favorite people, Andrew Rombalski, my wife's uncle, Jason Rombalski, her cousin, and George Wimmer, their in law and a friend of mine. Jason's wife's parents have a cabin on the channel between Birch Lake and Lake Chetac, in Birchwood, Wisconsin, just Northeast of Rice Lake, Wisconsin. We usually try and get a fall trip in each year looking for some nice crappies or a walleye or two. Just west of them is Long Lake, a larger lake in the area known for it's walleyes. Because of previous commitments the plan was to join them at the landing on Long Lake around 3 in the afternoon on Saturday, fish for the day, then stop and have supper at a Supper Club on the lake. Wisconsin is famous for their rural or lakeside restaurants that are referred to as Supper Clubs. Dinner in Wisconsin was always at noon! We had fished that lake a few time however the forecast of the rain stopping by noon did not materialize and at 3 it was still drizzling. We launched anyway and headed south to a few areas that we had been before. While looking at the lake map on my preloaded maps on the Lowrance HDS, there was a spot marked: Fall walleyes can be found along the drop off fishing with live bait rigs or jigs and minnows. It wasn't that far away and with such an understanding audience in the boat we approached the region where I began marking fish immediately. With the Motorguide in deployed and in anchor mode we started jogging around the area looking for fish. Once on a pod of fish Jason pulled out a #7 Jigging Rap, a popular ice fishing bait however it is becoming popular using the lure as an open water jig and within 2 minutes he had a nice 16 inch walleye, however with the minimum length of 18 back in the water it went without even getting a picture! All of a sudden we were on the fish as George catches a nice 17 incher. I did get him to pose for this nice example of how our late afternoon was going. In less than 2 hours we landed 10 walleyes and a nice 16 inch smallie that took my Jigging Rap. It was a significant improvement
Andy's nice 19 inch Smallie |
over the last couple of times we fished Long Lake so it was decided that on Sunday we would hope to repeat the same as Saturday. It really didn't stop raining till we left as we stopped by the Reel Em Inn Supper Club on the west side of the lake, just down from the boat landing. There we enjoyed a few cocktails and ordered the Saturday night special, a 16 ounce prime rib with all the fixings. It was very relaxing with the locals enjoying supper and us 4 patting ourselves on the back for having a quite successful couple of hours of fishing. George went back to his cabin in Chetek, Wisconsin to attend to his dogs while the rest of us heading back to Jason's in laws house on the lake. After a couple of glasses of fine whiskey, including a nice 21 year old scotch, we got up in the morning to have breakfast and head back out again. Not knowing if George would rejoin us that question was answered the minute we pulled in the landing, yes he was there! Of course we headed back to the scene of yesterdays success however the sky's turn a beautiful blue as the front went by a few hours earlier. Not that we minded but you know what happens right after a cold front moves through. Well it still wasn't that bad of fishing as we did get a couple of walleyes and Andy landed this very nice 19 inch smallmouth fishing a small sucker minnow. We were marking a school of suspended crappies on the screen but wasn't very successful to see exactly what was stacked up in 25 feet of water (It was crappies, I know it!). Never the less we did get a few more hits then decided to look for other identical looking area on the lake to expand our outlook on fish location. We we should have just stayed were we were! Never the less it was nice to fish with these guys and I hope that we may be able to get out ice fishing on that lake this year.
Jerry and his giant 16 inch walleye! |
So finishing up the Lac Seul trip was pretty exciting. Our favorite spot on the lake was Craig's Corner, named after a friend, Craig Biegert who fished with us a few years back. Sort of a nice place close to camp that always seems to have fish on it, it is now our go to spot if we need to fill out for the day, or for the trip if needed. With 4 guys in the boat including Barry, Jerry, Ricky and myself, it was a good place to stay organized and catch fish. Jerry had a 500 series spinning reel on a nice St. Croix Avid, sort of like walking around in a tuxedo with old dirty tennis shoes on! At least it was something to give him some harmless ribbing. Jerry did get some nice fish and I did get some pictures but not before correcting him on the proper way to display a fish for the camera. Of course his response was...Do you think I am stupid?...Well here. So this is a nice 16 inch walleye that is presented in the correct way for a photograph and he does deserve some credit. The hand hidden to take away any reference for size, hide you arm holing the fish with the fish, and stick it out as far as you can. Of course this fish looks a lot bigger than it is, in fact Jerry looks puny compared to this gigantic fish! Never the less it is a great example of the fun we had in my boat with these 3 guys. Looking back we didn't kill them but our daily catch was acceptable with 60 - 70 walleyes a day in the boat. My biggest mistake was to try and teach them how to tie a improved clinch knot ti tie the jigs onto the line. Making it look super easy it resulted in me tying most of their jigs onto their lines, I guess it's nice to be thought of as useful. All in all it was a great trip, having fun with my friends from Eleva including my brother Steve, and friends Kevin and Paul. It was also nice to be able to show Jerry and Ricky a good time as this was their first time to Lac Seul. We are already discussing next year!
With snow in the forecast it's probably time to put the boat away for the winter as my wheel house is scheduled to get the roof and door leak fixed as well as some electrical issues. Hopefully next week will find myself with Bill Lundeen fishing our secret trout lake! He sent me a picture of a dandy he got a couple of days ago.
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