Satellite view of Lake John
Lake John is a small lake just west of Annandale, MN. In the past 40 years it's been one of my favorite lakes to just go fishing for the afternoon. Mark Taylor's brother in law, Tim Guzek introduced us to the lake back in the early 1980's, apparently he had a connection somewhere. It's always been a good panfish and largemouth bass lake, they even stock walleyes however one has never graced the end of my hook. The lake runs north and south with a long narrow bay extending from the northwest corner. The water is fairly clear but has a lot of weeds in it these days. Back in the mid 80's we made a cheap plywood fishing shack and pulled it out to the lake on a snowmobile trailer. With a small wood stove it was pretty nice for a bunch of guys who couldn't afford much. We'd light a fire then fish the evening bite with crappies our main target, and we'd always come home with a few. In this part of Minnesota one has to have your ice shack off the lake by February 28th. This was our second year of having the shack and not being too smart, there was a lot of snow on the ice which pushed the ice down. The last time we fished after re-drilling the holes, the water came up over the floor by about 4 inches and subsequently froze. Having come out the week before we had to have it off the ice to start the process of removing it, there was no way with 4 inches of frozen ice over the floor. It was a plain untreated floor as well so the ice was very much adhered to wood. Plan B.....go into town and get a 40# bag of water softener salt. Returning we spread the entire bag across the floor and headed home to come out the following weekend to finish the job. Upon returning we were pleasantly surprised the salt did exactly what we predicted, the floor was bare, not a bit of ice was on it. The next job was to lift the house off the ice and load it on our trailer. In our arsenal was a couple of long ice chisels as well as pry bars but to no avail, the bottom of the house was froze to the surface yet. It was critical that we have it removed that weekend as the DNR fine was pretty hefty. A guy walked by with a hunting rifle and suggested he could remove the house, simply shoot through the floor and the impact would crack the ice and all would be good. Back into town to get a box of 30-06 shells. Returning he began to shoot the bullets through the floor, all 20 of them. It was pretty loud but seemed like a good idea as on the edges you could see the ice shatter. With all 20 shells shot into the floor we again tried to pry the house off the ice but it still held tight. With daylight fading fast, we decided it just wasn't worth messing with anymore and tore the shack apart, wall by wall. We did get the floor detached from the 2 x 4's that were stuck in the ice and pried what 2 x 4's we could but I an sure we left a few reminders of our presence there, of course it was a good spot so those left over boards would be perfect for marking our spot for next year! Our fish shack was now on layers stacked on the snowmobile trailer, we headed up the road and stopped at a friends house, he had a couple of acres. He let us unload the heap of wood which eventually he ended up burning. Portable shacks were just coming into play so that ended our adventure into what turned out to be our permanent ice fishing shack.
HDS 12 Live
My neighbor Tom Olson asked me to go with him in his boat which was nice as I didn't have to do anything. We did catch a few bass on a wacky worm set up which was one of the original intents for going to Lake John, try for some bass. Unfortunately it was quite windy, coming out of the west as 15 - 20 mph. our plan was to fish the edges of the long east to west bay where the wind would push us along the shore. Within 5 minutes there was a small bass on my line. Maybe 13 inches, not enough to take a picture. A few more were caught before Tom caught this really funky looking bass. He threw it back before I had time to snap a picture so no proof of our limited success. Drifting the north side and casting for crappies, one finally hit my jig, maybe 9 inches, good enough to keep but it would be hard to work that area well so it went back. It was just too windy to fish comfortably so we headed back to the landing. It was still nice to fish a lake that I had not been to since 2015.
Last fall I traded with Bill my HDS 12 Carbon for his HDS 12 Live, a newer unit. It has some interesting features you can use like Live Sight for looking forward for fish. Garmin has really set the industry ablaze with it's Panoptics system which people rave about for ice fishing. Lowrance has some catching up to do however if and when they do I will be ready. It's still a process to get everything changed over and working as their a little changes done every time they change models as well they have software upgrades to fix issues that were missed. It's an easy process, simply download the update to your computer then transfer it to a miniSD card, insert the card and through the menu system find the upgrade then install it. Admittedly it's nice to have everything talking to each other and working but sometimes it would just be nice not having to worry about it, like the good old days! Oh well. Yesterday Bruce Wiley flew me to Siren, Wisconsin's Burnett County Airport. There we filled the plane up with their cheaper 100 octane low lead airplane fuel, punched to code in for the main airport building where we signed out the courtesy car and headed to Burnett County Coop to have lunch, buy some of their delicious cheese, and pick up some spotted cow beer for the neighbors. That is always a fun couple of hours for sure. This new format is going to be the death of me!!!!!!
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